
Results 18 comments of 921j

> Sure, thanks for your participation! Indeed, among so many "on top" programs, only deskpins get so many crowds. It is this automatic "on top" function that is very convenient...

> @921j So DeskPins has auto on top? I didn't know that. Can you elaborate? Attach some screenshots etc. Custom shortcut keys is already implemented here. What do you mean...

> @921j: I see, thanks for your feedback. Although note, you are NOT using the original DeskPins, because the original looks a little different. Notice a different icon. Maybe it...

1.就是让工具栏显示“中止执行”的图标,修改的是 .SciTE\toolbar\Toolbar.ahk “终止,5,hidden,autosize” 这一行,让工具栏显示“终止”图标,可惜点击它没有任何反应 2.我找个空试试,谢谢!

> 1.没看懂。 2.菜单栏-工具-中止执行要改比较难,但可以往菜单栏-工具处添加自己的命令,或者也可以在工具栏添加自己的按钮,后者更简单。 大佬,这里有新版本的 SciTE4AutoHotKey 了,不过貌似还不完善,有兴趣的话可以先关注一下,看后续版本如何,等完善后考虑集成试试? https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=104086&start=20 https://www.autohotkey.com/scite4ahk/ 那个关于想在工具栏放“中止执行”按钮的问题研究了好久,一直找不到执行内部命令的方法,右键只需要用 “IDM_STOPEXECUTE” 就行,工具栏就不行。最后只能做一个外部的 vbs 来杀死 AutoHotkeyU64.exe 并放到工具栏 ,这样做之前要把 AHK 版本切成 x64 位的,本身我发现有些脚本用 x32 版本的 ahk 运行会有奇怪的内存报错,比如 acc 的某些功能,64位平台最好还是用 x64 的 ahk,我基本没遇到过兼容性的问题。 另外我发现只要...

> 我的宽屏不能用,其他模式未测试 宽屏功能好像是跟某些其他的插件有冲突,我一开始也是不生效,后来关闭“隐藏视频推荐”后就生效了,我装插件的原则是尽量满足需求的情况下少装,你试试排查一些也是在视频页面作用的插件,比如“播放时自动关灯”之类的看有无冲突。

> https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=YuTengjing.vscode-colorize-plus&ssr=false#overviewn is my personal version which fixed some official issues because the official seems not maintain the project... I am using your version and it is very good! But...

> Sorry but I can't reproduce that. I would imagine that if you customize tab close buttons somehow then this issue could certainly happen, but I don't think it's because...