I envisioned years ago a card trading game similar to pokemon but called stockupon which would include metrics of actual stocks. I had thought about publicly held companies sponsoring a...
Yeah im at my day job right now and will take some time later this afternoon (330ish pacific) to give you more info ...this may really turn out to be...
So im out of work a little early today but also have some other things going on this afternoon but i can take a few minutes to try to see...
My brain is spinning with ideas ...i need support ...are you in??? On Friday, March 31, 2017, Tom Evans wrote: > So im out of work a little early today...
We could call me a designer and project manager but professionally speaking i am a cnc lathe machinist ...afternoons and weekends my mind is on other interests like cryptocurrencies, my...
Oh and if texting is better for you i am at 425 791 2072 On Saturday, April 1, 2017, Tom Evans wrote: > We could call me a designer and...
Really? Is that all you have to offer?sure there are many other people i could and will bounce this off of but you seem to be reluctant to share ...please...
http://www.blockchainga.me Interesting link but the games mentioned do not capture what i am envisioning for Cryvatar....and thanks for the roadmap suggestion ...it seems a simple enough concept but i tend...
I agree the blockchainga link didnt have anything appealing to me ...Cryvatar is going silent for now whilst i refine ideas and gather my support team ....bringing everything together will...