
Results 7 issues of 8banzhuan

Hi I'm having a little trouble trying to build a vg graph I tried to build with the following command I provided GRC38 and its VCF file `./vg construct -r...

Hello, I want to find some examples about the gam file format, because I can't open the gam file, and there are garbled characters when I force it to open....

hello,I'm having some problems installing gramtools,i try to run these commands bash ./gramtools/build.sh Then his error log is like this **CMake Error at libgramtools/CMakeLists.txt:87 (target_compile_features): target_compile_features specified unknown feature "cxx_std_17"...

Hello,I use minigraph for read to rGFA alignment and i got a gaf size as 4479KB Then I used gfatools to convert the rGFA graph to linear FASTA and compared...

When using your minigraph for alignment, sometimes I want to extract the path sequence in the graph to observe the alignment result, it would be great if gfatools can extract...

hello,Thanks for the excellent compression tools, I have some problems using the compression method with the reference genome, I am compressing the FASTA data, and the reference genome is GRC38,I...

Hello, when I git the code locally and execute make, the following error occurs `make: *** No rule to make target 'src/tinyFA/pliib/pliib.hpp', needed by 'build/main.o'. Stop. ` Looking forward for...