
Results 14 comments of 89trillion-feiyang

> You could use Botan with Boost Beast. Here's a small example: https://github.com/hrantzsch/beast-botan-https-client If i use this demo in android, do I need to compile the android library for botan?...

> > 可能是etcd续约没续上吧?解决了吗 > > 没解决,不知道怎么回事,不过现在更重要的是另一个问题……api日志每秒2MB大小,直接把硬盘填满了……改了日志level也没用 api日志这么多?修改这里不行吗? https://github.com/OpenIMSDK/Open-IM-Server/blob/fb1871b979606ec9c453d1fd2746d034483da727/pkg/common/log/file_line_hk.go#L22-L24

> > > > 没改源码,改的config,改完以后其他log都没了,就这个不好使…… 刚试了下,level改成2可以

I ran into the same problem. By the way, I think I can specify a sln file to solve this problem, but I don't know how to specify it..😂

> @89trillion-feiyang the [MS docs](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-sln) should help. Thanks.

> This is because marshalling has not been implemented for `orderedmap`. > > I'm not sure what this would actually look like because it must be reasonable that the order...

> @89trillion-feiyang - you can serialize it in any format you want. Here's some sample code to produce that: https://play.golang.org/p/tKGpbGCpFbC > > Keep in mind some caveats with that: >...