
Results 12 issues of 852Kerfunkle

Hello, Basically, sometimes operations don't seem to be accepted by rpc nodes and they time out with "confirmation polling timed out" after some minutes. **Steps To Reproduce** The easiest way...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** It would be nice to have an alternative for resizing images in a webworker, if that is somehow possible (that's...


The master side of things should be pretty much done - I hope. Not too happy about the use of `in` as a would-be type guard, but what can you...

So the threads.js exported Worker works with bundlers that automatically bundle with import.meta.

Would be nice if signers started with `--require-authentication` were supported. Presumably (but I haven't really looked at the details) one would need to add an auth private key (preferably referencing...


Well, pretty sure it does. I can't actually build it because everything's a little outdated. Seems to somewhat work with local modifications. related to https://github.com/andywer/threads.js/pull/458

Possibly a frontend bug, apologies if this is the wrong repo. On both 4.1.0 and master. Temple wallet fails to fetch from localhost:20000/chains/main/blocks/head/hash, presumably a cors issue because of the...

First, apologies if this isn't the correct repo to report this issue in. I'm running into a problem when the bytes I'm storing are returned as a string by the...

I'm aware this is due to a previous hasura limitation to do with separate calls to `pg_table_customization` for camel casing the field and table names, but it should be possible...


Some IPFS links won't resolve because the url isn't encoded properly. For example `ipfs://bafybeid5xl7cwdaelgh2rrxeicul6v7xbuwvtgiywklui43todymiyxx3y/TZLAND#247_FINALE.glb` (just imagine this could be a json file for the sake of this ticket) will fail...