
Results 22 issues of 龙通印

```dart np.zonedSchedule( pendingNotificationRequests.length+1, title, body, scheduledDate, details, uiLocalNotificationDateInterpretation: UILocalNotificationDateInterpretation.absoluteTime, androidAllowWhileIdle: true, matchDateTimeComponents:DateTimeComponents.time, payload:payload ); ``` I'm sure I used DateTimeComponents.time for matchDateTimeComponents property, I hope that scheduled notification only working...

This is really a good engine for flutter , but I often use dragonbones to make game character animation. Do you plan to add support for dragonbones or have better...


who can give me a exmaple ! thanks so much!


### What are you trying to achieve? How to add a spot color channel to a picture?like this in photoshop: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23014381/159198936-554894a0-cabf-4b0f-8763-b2e6bfccd99e.png)


I opened the email and screenshot according to the tutorial. I can receive the email, but there is no picture in the email.

New issue

I can't run normally according to the example on the official website


```dart Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialWithModalsPageRoute(builder: (context) => TestPage())); ``` That no transition animation when I use MaterialWithModalsPageRoute push a page. how to resolve this ?

将transitionDuration设置为Duration(milliseconds: 500),或者更高的数值,在动画为Transition.cupertino时,前进动画感觉没有根据设置的时长而变化,但后退动画却是设置的时长
