Dave Thomas

Results 149 comments of Dave Thomas

Just checked with ast output on a simple record and it looks like the range starts is correct so this may be an option, an attribute starting inline after the...

The problem with this is the lack of an end to the generated code so myriad knows what to cut out the next time it runs.

The thing that makes this a little tricky is not all plugins have an input AST, so its more in the scope of what a plugin itself is doing, the...

Myriad works as a library rather than as a framework so there's no such enforcing of how things are done, just lots of help to get there, so enforcing the...

The flow of config goes from myriad to the plugin, so there's no communication from the plugin back to myriad, so the setting of where the generated code goes between...

If you truly want to remove these then there needs to be merges to the TP SDK, last I tried the changes were not acceptable, hence my fork. Essentially a...

I asked and the custom attribute reflection changes seem likely to be accepted, it still leaves the issue of an internal type being needed. I'll look at that after Ive...

Ive tried to consolidate as much as possible with the upstream repo here: https://github.com/7sharp9/FSharp.TypeProviders.SDK/commit/d00e35d2030bf346aaa264bc8323aa88fd3980f0 https://github.com/7sharp9/FSharp.TypeProviders.SDK/commit/5dd0739e04416e53222e3a179038b99ad2611e86 Theres a discrepancy between the way we use providedtypes and the runtimes use of of...

This is being discussed here: https://github.com/fsprojects/FSharp.TypeProviders.SDK/pull/291 _eventually I hope..._

Currently the CLI input has mandatory input so that would have to be addressed first: https://github.com/MoiraeSoftware/myriad/blob/master/src/Myriad/Program.fs#L14 Actual the MSBuild target property is also mandatory too. plugins are included via the...