Results 4 comments of Jakub Tamas

I am not sure if this is the same issue but I am facing the error below when running `pqnet helloworld.pq` as per the instruction in ReadMe: _Method not found:...

I have achieved this by doing semantic versions within git tags and then doing these 2 adjustments: in YAML: ``` - script: VERSION_TAG=`git describe --tags` && echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=VERSION_TAG]$VERSION_TAG" displayName:...

You should be able to create two separate deployment definitions in the .pbixproj.json and then within yaml, trigger them both in subsequent steps. If the "source" part of the deployment...

I have just tested it and it seems like all features under **line**, **fill** and **rotation** work fine. Can you explain which specific aspect of shape formatting is not functional...