
Results 7 issues of Liam

### Question 现在能手动配置的有title 如果想手动配置keywords和description等, 并且最后要输出到meta标签中,请问应该如何配置


### Versions - dumi: 1.0.33 - node:14.5.0 - npm: 6.14.5 - OS:MacOS - Browser: ### Steps to reproduce > 在多级目录中使用相对路径, 无法正确解析. 如有以下目录: ``` docs ├── ├── main │ ├──...


## 问题描述 #### 使用版本`"father-build": "^1.19.6"` 有如下配置 ```ts import { IBundleOptions } from 'father-build/src/types'; export default { target: 'node', cjs: { type: 'babel', lazy: true } } as IBundleOptions ``` 其中设置了`lazy=true`开启了运行时加载特性,...

the keygen of the individual party doesn't satisfy rfc6979 is there anyway to add this feature feasible?

Is there any canonical steps to support another ECDSA variants such as [Starknet Curve](

Is there any canonical steps to support another ECDSA variants such as [Starknet Curve]( thanks

the onscroll event occurs too frequency