我直接在.zshrc里面加了个别名 也挺好使 ``` CODE_PATH=`which code` get_real_path(){ real_path="`pwd`"/$1 [[ $1 =~ ^/.* ]] && real_path=$1 [[ $1 =~ ^~.* ]] && real_path=$HOME${1: 1} echo $real_path } get_wsl_path(){ echo \\\\\\wsl$\\kali-linux$(get_real_path $1) }...
> I had the same problem with the third_party import. Couldn't figure it out yet. ``` rm gif_for_cli/third_party cp third_party gif_for_cli/third_party -r ```
I think it's pretty random to happen. ``` def openai_request(): ... open('/root/a', 'w').write(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=2, ensure_ascii=False)) ... ``` ### A ``` # sgpt "Linux 脚本配置PATH" Linux \u811a\u672c\u914d\u7f6e PATH \u7684\u65b9\u6cd5\u662f\uff1a 1. \u6253\u5f00...
I tested it fine