looking forward to testing and contributing!
I think this is an great idea. Even if one were to manually download the wrong bootnode.txt file (download poacore-bootnodes.txt instead of sokol-bootnodes.txt to /home/bootnode/ - no issues as it...
By "another minor issue" I meant that not all nodes have up-to-date bootnodes.txt files. Issuing another poa-devops that pushes out changes requiring new naming convention (poacore-bootnodes.txt and sokol-bootnodes.txt for example)...
I agree, Igor. Interesting discussion.
> With a BlockReward contract, it will most likely require two-step process where the network is initially launched with a fixed reward and then HF is performed to switch to...
Thanks for testing and reporting this hashguide.
Thanks for response @5chdn - I think this is very important and will dedicate hardware / VMs and time to help test. Any ideas or know of anyone with experience...