Results 7 comments of 6eer

> Were you able to figure it out @cwazy2020 ? the issue is the library UniswapV2Library.sol, the method getPair(...) have hard coded some init code that its developer dependant, so...

hey @scottmsul, i have the same doubt (the 2nd question). To my basic understanding Alice never gets Bob's signatures to create the new commitment and advance her channel status (because...

hey rob, >My understanding is that the bot discovers and arbitrage opportunity where WTM is underpriced relative to PNA on Uniswap than it is on sushiswap (since on Uniswap, WTM...

Ah, ok! (I saw the edit). Yeah u are right with the normal bot u need to be holding the WTM, u only use sushiswap as oracle, as if the...

Hey Carlos, read [this thread]( and let me know if it helped you!

Hey im not sure whats happening but yeah there is an issue with the liquidity, you are trying to borrow 53 UNI on sushiswap UNI/LINK pair but looking at the...

if it's for work, send me an email