ubuntu 20.04 gcc 9.4.0 also fail to complie it.
Flashroute can not typically work well on IPv6.
> In ipv4,the Flashroute can run normally. But I send 1,000,000 packets to traceroute the ipv6 address,however I receive 0 response. My server suppports the ipv6,the linux Kernal is 4.15...
> I1104 22:56:19.755249 3367 traceroute.cc:241] Start preprobing. > I1104 22:56:22.755512 3367 traceroute.cc:256] Preprobing finished (Took 3 seconds). look at your log: I1104 22:56:19.755249 3367 traceroute.cc:241] Start preprobing. I1104 22:56:22.755512 3367...