Transaction loading is incomplete when loading from Electrs. Approx 25% of transactions are found when making a new wallet from an old xpub+derivation path. This is despite manually setting the...
Tool like [ricochet](https://www.samouraiwallet.com/ricochet) that makes it easy to put distance between utxos. Ideall with configurable number of hops, minimum delay between hops and changing script type between hops
As suggested here: https://github.com/sparrowwallet/sparrow/issues/53 key rotation could be a useful feature for multisig wallets.
The documentation uses the jekyll theme minimal mistakes. It looks like you can enable [site search](https://mmistakes.github.io/minimal-mistakes/docs/configuration/#site-search) by adding `search: true` to your _config.yml By default it will "use Lunr to...
Add radio buttons to customise PSBT Export depending on user requirements (Split from https://github.com/sparrowwallet/sparrow/issues/177)
When viewing a transaction user labels are not visible. It could be nice to pull them through.
Add info from [twitter thread](https://twitter.com/vcorem/status/1159449683439304704?s=19)
Look-up papers by Iain Miers (Active attacks against Coinjoin)
Located on joinmarket subreddit sidebar
- Add payjoin blogposts.