
Results 12 comments of 5l2

You should submit samples to vendors via website or email for further analysis to check if it is a false positive. If it is, an exclusion will be applied after...

应该是 v2ray_simple 读取 first payload 的机制导致了以上 nc/telnet 的现象?

已按组 5 条件测试,依旧不打印 ssh 服务器版本信息。 执行的编译命令: ``` sudo snap install go --classic git clone https://github.com/e1732a364fed/v2ray_simple cd v2ray_simple/cmd/verysimple/ go build ``` `./verysimple -v`: ``` verysimple [version_undefined], go1.19.5 linux amd64, with advLayer...

In considering delays, might it be more insightful to utilize percentiles rather than averages?

Strange. According to [Microsoft's Trusted Root Program](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/security/trusted-root/participants-list), ISRG Root X1, ISRG Root X2 and many other root certificates are on [the list](https://ccadb.my.salesforce-sites.com/microsoft/IncludedCACertificateReportForMSFT). Perhaps the list you get from powershell stores...

> By installing the cumulative update, the problem was resolved. Not sure how it might affects naiveproxy users. But that's an issue (maybe not so large). Oh, I did not...

> 但是naiveproxy代理失效 What does that mean? What have you done for debugging? Where are the verbose level logs?



Excellent. In light of this, @vahidx4r4x, could you please consider changing the title of this issue to something like 'UDP Support?'