5ervant | techintel.github.io
5ervant | techintel.github.io
Do you have any recommended article or online course for learning how to use Unity as a scene editor for a Three.js application?
The following seems not going to work: const loader = new THREE.FontLoader(); ... loader.load('/fonts/font_regular.typeface.json', function(font) { ... }) Have you tried this: https://github.com/EvanBacon/expo-three-text Did it work? Because it seems outdated..
https://github.com/EvanBacon/expo-three-text is still a valid guide! Here's how you will load a font in JSON format: const font = new THREE.FontLoader().parse( require('../../../../assets/fonts/font_regular.typeface.json') );
> Since the react-renderer is flexible enough I think we can have a package that just exports a renderer option to add the `rich-text-react-renderer` > > Example: > > ```js...
@Khaledgarbaya `item.fields.body` is the rich text content.
@Khaledgarbaya Anyway, `reactNativeRenderer` is `undefined`. ``` import { reactNativeRenderer } from '@contentful/rich-text-react-renderer'; console.log('reactNativeRenderer', reactNativeRenderer); // reactNativeRenderer == undefined ```
Yes, a confusion because this issue is more like a feature request. My found solution is to use `ReactDOMServer` and such a `react-native-webview` library: import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server'; import {...
const richTextOptions = { renderNode: { [BLOCKS.EMBEDDED_ASSET]: (node) => { const { title, description, file } = node.data.target.fields; const mimeType = file['en-US'].contentType const mimeGroup = mimeType.split('/')[0] switch (mimeGroup) { case...
> @5ervant are you pulling the data through the contentful source plugin? I think that tends to want to give everything a locale even non localised things. Maybe you don't...
@mohokh67 **What about solution for a functional component?**