Alex Martinelli

Results 18 comments of Alex Martinelli

I also noticed the *nw.exe* process sending and receiving bytes in the network activity monitor. Looking for explanations or ways to inspect what it is up to.

Win10 Pro here too. I didn't use any HTTP-hosted template. I just got a bit paranoid that maybe some of the plugins might be doing something nasty. But I only...

I confirm that the same is happening on MacOS. Not sure how TiddlyDesktop works, but I also tried to remove any TiddlyWiki file and reopen it with an empty list,...

As an update, I tried with a fresh new installation (v0.0.14), and at the first run many domains are called:,, and finally the unknown address pointed in...

@Jermolene appreciate the effort. I am not expert with Little Snitch either, but I would suggest to run in full alert mode (will request permission for any connection). Is a...

There are many old posts talking about spellchecking in TiddlyDesktop, stressing the difficulty to add such functionality, and pointing to some possible options, from the CodeMirror plugin to the possibility...

See suggested solution [here](

@AliaksandrSiarohin thanks for the feedback. Notice however that point 3 doesn't work out-of-the-box. If I change the scale factors as you mention I get an error for incompatible shapes. Also,...

@AliaksandrSiarohin ``` Error(s) in loading state_dict for OcclusionAwareGenerator: size mismatch for dense_motion_network.down.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([3, 1, 13, 13]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([3,...

Cool, that worked! Could it be generalized for other resolutions? I'll do some tests and comparisons using super-resolution