Sarah Divento
Sarah Divento
bd-to-avp --source Godzilla.2014.3D.1080p.BluRay.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.7.1-RARBG.iso --output-root-folder . --transcode-audio Processing Godzilla.2014.3D.1080p.BluRay.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.7.1-RARBG.iso Running Get disc and MVC video properties \ Custom MakeMKV profile created at Godzilla/custom_profile.mmcp.xml Running Rip disc to MKV file. | No...
公司内部使用,等待GPT4太久了. 如果能使用上网页版的GPT,又省钱又快啊.
Using the following command, you can see that the keyframes are very regularly spaced every 33 frames. **ffprobe -select_streams v:0 -show_frames -show_entries frame=pict_type -of csv | grep -n 'I'...