> No matter what GPU I use, I always report an error: > > File "/data/mvsnerf/models.py", line 881, in build_volume_costvar_img volume_sq_sum = volume_sq_sum + warped_volume ** 2 > > RuntimeError:...
> @morsingher Sorry to bother you, but I met this error as well. So have you fixed it ? 这是因为下载来的原项目里,在train文件中,dataset(root_dir=train_dir, split='train', max_len=-1 , downSample=args.imgScale_train)对应的是训练dtu数据集的keyword ,而你在command里设置的却是训练‘blender’数据集。因此,你应该将command里的--dataset_name设为‘dtu’。或者如果你想训练blender数据集的话,那你应该在train文件中,将dataset(...)的keyword设置的与blender数据集对应(具体的keyword设置参考blender.py)
> Has this problem been solved? My GPU is also 24GB, and I have the same trouble.....