Results 6 issues of 52funny

use the function's internal `conn` instead of the external `c`

请问一下如何对`189cloud`进行分页 比如`./189List -bind -port 80 -j -icon` 我起了一个服务 我请求地址 `localhost/Files?pageSize=10` 想获得10页的大小 不知可否加入这个功能

I find some weird problems when I use it on a daily basis. For example, in the rust code below, the first completion option is not selected by default. ![image](

In the rfc1928 documentation, `BND.ADDR` and `BND.PORT` should be specific address and port information. While it's possible to just return all zeros, doing so may cause some weird issues on...

If there is a `reinterval` function that readjusts the token generation time


+ 增加通过`FileId`获取缩略图url + 删除多余重复的`xml tag`