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public static void RegisterOpenEvent(this RegistryKey source, string scheme, string appPath) { var index = scheme.IndexOf(":"); if (index == 0) throw new ArgumentException("无效的'scheme'", "scheme"); var key = index < 0 ?...

自定义的URL Protocol需要在注册表中注册, 这个是肯定的。至于这个工作是由哪里来做, 这个可以视情况而定。既然NanUI没有实现, 那么我们自己实现下也可以, 或者在制作安装包的时候把这块注册表添加上也可以。调用可以直接用a标签的href写, 如href="abc://123"

另外, 这个CefGlue是否可以单独做一个浏览器控件的项目?

Oh, that's right. Thank you very much. In addition, when will Raspberry Pi 4 be supported? Raspberry Pi CM4 is very suitable for making products. I'm looking forward to his...

Thank you very much for the help of "John Masen". I did a test as soon as I received the reply, and the result was abnormal. The specific code is...

That's great, thank you very much!