Sunand Raghupathi
Sunand Raghupathi
Yeah, I'll check it out
@CW-Huang I'm getting NaN losses trying to run an experiment with lbidd: `2020-08-30 23:56:24.873470 / Iteration 200: nan nan 2020-08-30 23:56:25.062086 / Iteration 200 valid loss nan` Here is the...
Good call, that was it. I'm able to run an exp in ~8 min on CPU with this script: `python --dataroot=/Users/Sunsmeister/Desktop/Research/Causal/causal-benchmark/datasets --data=lbidd_quadratic_50k --dist='FactorialGaussian' --dim_h=256 --n_hidden_layers=2 --batch_size=128 --lr=0.0005`
Is the code currently set up to train on GPU? If not, I can work on that