react-native-stars copied to clipboard
a versatile react native star review component with half star compatibility and custom images, star sizes, star count, star spacing, and value display.
change Image to FastImage
When the value of props display is zero, the javascript code considers It as false, so It gets edit mode
Image cannot show image in iOS 14, but can show location, like: { this.starState(val); this.setState({ starVal: val }); }} spacing={8} disabled={false} half={false} fullStar={require('App/Assets/Images/Place/starOn.png')} emptyStar={require('App/Assets/Images/Place/starOff.png')} halfStar={require('App/Assets/Images/Place/starHalf.png')} /> Environment: Xcode Version 12.0...
I make use of this library and found that I can't make 0 rating after setting 1 or half of rating. And one more thing is there any way to...
when this prop value is true user can not be able to decrease the count less then one star
Hello, I am using the custom version for the star rating and it's not letting me change the size even though I have set it to `starSize={50}` Here's what I...