react-native-stars copied to clipboard
stars can't show stars in iOS 14
Image cannot show image in iOS 14, but can show location, like: <Stars default={0} opacity={true} count={5} starSize={32} update={val => { this.starState(val); this.setState({ starVal: val }); }} spacing={8} disabled={false} half={false} fullStar={require('App/Assets/Images/Place/starOn.png')} emptyStar={require('App/Assets/Images/Place/starOff.png')} halfStar={require('App/Assets/Images/Place/starHalf.png')} />
Environment: Xcode Version 12.0 (12A7209) Simulator: IPhone 11 - 14.0 "react-native": "0.62.2"
Hi jhui, thanks for reaching out. I will look into this soon. Feel free to share any relevant information you find if you investigate further, thanks!
Thanks extrct, I solved the problem by applying patch-package. but uploaded it to the market, I can't show it again.
test result Simulator can do, devices can't......
hmm so you're only able to replicate with simulator not device? Not sure I'm understanding.
Yeah, image can't see in actual device.
Might be related to this ongoing issue: