
Results 5 issues of 4tip

Bankdroid has not been updated for several years and I wonder if you might release a updated more secure version with the most secure encryption excisting today (TLS 1.2) (anything...

Tja. Bankdroid har inte uppdaterats på flera år och jag undrar om ni kan släppa en uppdaterad säkrare version med den säkraste krypteringen som existerar idag (TLS 1.2) plus de...

"Flite TTS Engine" has not been updated since 2016 on F-Droid. Could you please release a new improved version soon?

Could you ad an optional "Hide number" setting in Emerald Dialer? So the user can make calls without showing his/her phonenumber, when the setting is activated.

When I use “Emerald Dialer” I’m able to call contacts but when some one calls me, I just hear the ringtone but there is no screen to answer the call!...