title says most of it, basically shuffle the list of apps to display randomly it'd be even better if you could add conditions to it (eg. must have been updated...
I admit it, this is the greatest tokyonight plugin for tmux in terms of coloration, but also, it's missing many features to the statusline, so rather than adding all of...
I searched high and low, went over all the docs, and though I don't know lua (I know, I have to learn it, my config is 1225 lines of lua,...
for example, I use kitty as my terminal, ranger as my file explorer, and neovim as my code editor I have an app id match for kitty, and regex matches...
#### Runtime Environment ``` ⮚ \ranger --version ranger version: ranger-master Python version: 3.12.5 (main, Aug 9 2024, 08:20:41) [GCC 14.2.1 20240805] Locale: en_US.UTF-8 ``` - Operating system and version: endeavourOS,...
first of all, great project btw, been using it for ages now second of all, idk rust, otherwise I'd have contributed towards those 2 features so, what's the status of...