
Results 36 comments of 4bb4

I'll try to reproduce this on my end. Things do get wrapped in `im_str!`, for the axis labels this happens here: https://github.com/4bb4/implot-rs/blob/master/src/plot.rs#L245 - but maybe something else is going wrong....

> interestingly it does not crash if used as x_label but just shows a "?" This sounds like a memory issue. I'll have to walk through it with a debugger...

I did some checks, here's what I found so far: * The question mark is also displayed when you just add a "€" somewhere in a call to `ui.text`. That...

@aloucks No, and I suspect that this may be the issue. I did check that the `FindGlyph` call in https://github.com/epezent/implot/blob/master/implot.cpp#L277 returned a non-null pointer when I was stepping through it...

@benmkw Have you tried out another font in the meantime?

Alright, I need to try using other fonts for work at some point in the future anyway, I'll make sure to plop an `€` in there to see if it...

Thanks for reporting this. I'll try to reproduce the problem and get back to you.

I have installed the latest version of the VS tools I could find (14.29.30133) and could not reproduce the problem locally - let's try and look for other differences between...

Eyeballing the code of the two backends, I can see that the loop in https://github.com/Yatekii/imgui-wgpu-rs/blob/master/src/lib.rs#L539 looks similar to the loop in https://github.com/imgui-rs/imgui-rs/blob/master/imgui-glium-renderer/src/lib.rs#L213, and what Glium seems to do with the...

Update: I was able to add `VtxOffset` support for version `v0.12.0` (which I need for a project for now) in https://github.com/4bb4/imgui-wgpu-rs/tree/51-support-for-vtxoffset-v0.12.0 - it's not a lot of work (see https://github.com/4bb4/imgui-wgpu-rs/commit/fb8abdf28fc49504f2f2c61e4c1b6cdb57e3f16b)....