I'd also be interested in having the internal bindings - I maintain https://github.com/4bb4/implot-rs, which points to https://github.com/cimgui/cimplot, and the latter exposes the internal API and hence requires cimgui to also...
@cc-marco I've spent a good amount of time looking into this, and it seems like that import comes from the `#[link(wasm_import_module = "imgui-sys-v0")]` decorators in `imgui-sys/src/wasm_bindings.rs`. I've looked at this...
@1danielcoelho I'm quite sure that won't be enough, it really seems like one has to create or at least provide a WASM / JS implementation of imgui itself (created with...
I'm trying this out in https://github.com/4bb4/implot-rs/tree/19-update-cimplot-pin, but I'm having a bit of difficulty with it since cimplot changed its structure around a bit. Will report when I make progress.
It turns out this is blocked upstream by imgui-rs not yet using the very latest cimgui - and the latest cimplot requires the latest cimgui (see https://github.com/cimgui/cimplot/issues/8). I'll wait a...
> Technically I think they could update the cimgui and publish new imgui-sys Yes, it seems that way, though the current maintainer (rightfully) has concerns about semver compatibility of the...
As of https://github.com/4bb4/implot-rs/commit/f2a4c6a3d8919ec3438631873ce6a9f94135089c, one can do this almost as conveniently as listed in the issue, as demo-ed in https://github.com/4bb4/implot-rs/blob/f2a4c6a3d8919ec3438631873ce6a9f94135089c/implot-examples/examples-shared/src/line_plots.rs#L342. I'll work on it a bit more to make it even...
@dbr I finally got some time again to work on this - I added convenience functions `y1_limits` through `y3_limits` for direct limit setting, and improved the API so that you...
I've now also merged those API changes over into the branch you mention. I've done more debugging to try and fix the issue I'm referring to in https://github.com/4bb4/implot-rs/issues/13#issuecomment-798972470, but have...
That sounds like a nice feature / example to have, yes. I don't have much experience with lower-level wgpu stuff though - I found something that could work in https://github.com/glium/glium/blob/master/examples/screenshot.rs...