
Results 12 issues of 4F2E4A2E

Hello there! How can one of the [Session Parameters](https://chemistry.apache.org/java/0.11.0/maven/apidocs/org/apache/chemistry/opencmis/commons/SessionParameter.html) be set? We are interested in the CACHE_TTL_OBJECTS property and COMPRESSION. Just passing it along with the user and password seems...


Hello there, I just want to report the error I am getting for oebb [1] journey API calls: `FetchError: request to http://fahrplan.oebb.at/bin/mgate.exe? failed, reason: connect ETIMEDOUT` I am using...

help wanted

The project runs fine with python 3.6 and tf.1.10, but these changes are not compatible with python2. [1]: Python 3 changes return values of several basic functions from list to...

Hi there and thank you for piwise! My question is: how could piwise or any segnet implementation be used for object detection?

Hi there! Thank you for you blog [post](https://medium.com/towards-data-science/how-to-train-your-own-object-detector-with-tensorflows-object-detector-api-bec72ecfe1d9) and this dataset. Do you know how to make use of the segmented images from the[ VOC2012](http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk/pascal/VOC/voc2012/segexamples/index.html) dataset in order to improve...

And if yes, can someone provide an example?

good first issue

Hello there and thank you for this lib! Please add support for `additionalProperties`, they are true by default causing obsolete code in typescript.

We should add OSGI bundle support und deploy on maven central, here a request from Suvidh via the [tesseract-ocr](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tesseract-ocr/lS9FQRU_6Ds) forum. > Hi > > I am adding the below pom...


Hello there, and thank you for this outstanding lib. I have seen the MapTiler example [1], but it supports only png, but is it possible to get vector tiles and...

Hello there, thank you for this repo. I am currently trying your script out, but facing difficulties while running it. I am getting a `swig/python detected a memory leak of...