
Results 10 comments of 4F-Beep

Server is ok without evosc The problem is about my evosc What you do you think about that? Thanks for answer

Thanks for your answer I updated with "git pull" Now, I have PHP fatal error

Here's the terminal ..................................................PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Mexitek\PHPColors\Color' not found in /home/sebastien/Bureau/TMserver/EvoSC/vendor/latte/latte/src/Latte/Engine.php(190) : eval()'d code:98 Stack trace: #0 /home/sebastien/Bureau/TMserver/EvoSC/vendor/latte/latte/src/Latte/Runtime/Template.php(205): Templatee33b184567->main() #1 /home/sebastien/Bureau/TMserver/EvoSC/vendor/latte/latte/src/Latte/Runtime/Template.php(247): Latte\Runtime\Template->render() #2 /home/sebastien/Bureau/TMserver/EvoSC/vendor/latte/latte/src/Latte/Runtime/Template.php(351): Latte\Runtime\Template->Latte\Runtime\{closure}() #3 /home/sebastien/Bureau/TMserver/EvoSC/vendor/latte/latte/src/Latte/Runtime/Template.php(250):...

Big thanks

But maps are not played server is ok without evoSC When EvoSC is running some maps cant be played :(

Someone have an idea about these maps not played? Without evoSC, maps rotation is ok.

Here's error in log file [09:06:32] Hook->execute(): Exception: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1055 Expression #5 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column...

Nobody knows about this error. Need help :) Thanks for return

thx for return, i dont know about version, i installed automaticly with linux i ll try with the next

version (); donne 8.0.23 - ubuntu 20.04.1