Providing the log with `--debug 2`, obscured somewhat: ``` computer:~# ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --issue --keylength 3072 --server zerossl --dns dns_cloudns -d some.domain.tld -d '*.some.domain.tld' --log --debug 2 [Sat Feb 4 21:11:53 EET...
In issue #4474 the user mentions firewall problems and is showing the same error. I am certain my system does not have any firewall issues. Can do checks if needed.
I was trying different commands, restarted the system that is the DNS for the network, and in a subsequent try, I got this: ``` [Sat Feb 4 21:53:14 EET 2023]...
Could this have been caused by problems on ZeroSSL's end? Or some maintenence maybe? After a lot of playing around with this, I decided to try `--server letsencrypt` and successfuly...
Hi, there! Another EAP225 v3 user here. How about you upgrade to the latest verson of the 21.02 series first? I see 22.02 switched to Linux 5.4.230 10 days ago......
To be honest with you, I do not have any ideas why this would fail on a EAP225v3 device - 16MB flash, 128MB RAM - this should work even if...
Nice! So now that the devices are updated, did you try updating to a newer snapshot from the UI? Just to check if upgrading via Web UI while retaining the...