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An Object 2 Cassandra Mapper
It appears that the create tables operation fails in cassandra 2.1 I think its related to the create index components and the standard response to a syntax issue is the...
I am attempting to persist data in a Cassandra 2.1 cluster, but the tables are being created automatically with COMPACT STORAGE enabled. I would like to disable this and create...
Locally I never get this error. I get a "Cannot locate cassandra.yaml error" when I try to use a Cluster of nodes remotely this is similar an error obtained when...
Hi, I catched some strange exception when try to execute query, using firebrand. I created table like this: CREATE TABLE "LiveScoreSubscription" ("key" text PRIMARY KEY, "___class" text, "userId" text, "sportId"...
Hello, Raul. if I have a property with Date object atribute like this: public class MyObject{ private Date date; ... } and try persist the object using QueryBuilder.insert receive the...
Hi, Firebrand does not have property to define caching row keys of CF. I need this: create column family my_column_family and comparator = UTF8Type and caching = 'NONE' ... org.firebrandocm.dao.annotations.ColumnFamily...
Well, if I have been updated an entity with NULL value on @MappedCollection property in cassandra database, these column doesn't are removed. it causes the follow exception: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:...
not have a CQLMappedEntityValueConverter on list valueConverters of QueryBuilder.class after initialize application on first execution of query. then my query return a NULL object, but I have expected a entity....
can I use firebrand to create compound primary key? I read the datastax doc for cassandra 1.2, and find that compound primary key is efficient to query sequencial data from...