> 是的,我在 20.04 jetson 上运行了相同的脚本, > 让我们看看它是否适用于这些脚本:[https](https://github.com/cielavenir/openrave-installation/archive/refs/heads/patch-1.zip) : [//github.com/cielavenir/openrave-installation/archive/refs/heads/patch-1.zip](https://github.com/cielavenir/openrave-installation/archive/refs/heads/patch-1.zip) good job, wish you success
> it seems on 20.04 the script installation got through > osg did not getr through though > but seems all built finally 100% I tried upgrade to 20.04 ,bu...
> you would have to use do-release-upgrade > any jetson including nano will do, but the latter will be the slowest Our country's network may be constrained ,they told me...
> Hello, > > You need to use my fork of pcl when compiling drl: > > * https://github.com/carlosmccosta/pcl > > Check documentation for more information: > > * https://github.com/carlosmccosta/dynamic_robot_localization#installation...
> Hello, > > In the log it shows includes from the /usr/include/pcl-1.8 installed from apt (this mixing of includes from /usr and my fork is causing this problem). >...
> 你要识别的话可以只传一张照片 > 训练的话二者都要成千上万的照片 第一个问题似乎我说的不清晰,我用过百度和虹软人脸识别的SDK,只需要传一张人脸上去,似乎不需要训练,马上就可以识别,事实上所有的人脸识别都是这样的,我想知道目标检测能做到吗?比如有10个手机的类型,我又传了1张手机照片,也能像人脸识别一样,不需要训练就能够识别吗? 第二个问题用几十个样本训练像这里面说的可行吗?https://www.zhihu.com/question/308399039/answer/573521899 他似乎只用了50个样本,这样准确度会不会有影响,当然了可以直接试一下,但如果你尝试过或许可以直接给我个答案,毕竟我的电脑训练一次要好久呵呵 另外...B站有评论说你‘可爱’,嗯.. 有同感,不过我觉得你更年少有为,加油..! 非常感谢你的答疑
> 1、人脸识别用的算法不一样,facenet都是训练好的,你用的是训练好的模型去预测,而非你用一张图片去训练 优秀.. 又涨姿势了,谢谢