Takuhiro Muta

Results 25 comments of Takuhiro Muta

@tomlokhorst How is the state of https://github.com/mac-cain13/R.swift.Library/tree/creator ? I created a similar extension in my project, and seems to be working. ```swift extension UIStoryboard { func instantiateViewController( withResource resource: ViewControllerResource,...

Same issue. Renovate creates PR with Swift package as | Package | Update | Change | |---|---|---| | [hackiftekhar/IQKeyboardManager](https://togithub.com/hackiftekhar/IQKeyboardManager) | patch | `from: "6.5.6"` -> `from: "v6.5.9"` | and CI...

@rarkins I tried with below but seems not working. Is there any mistake? ```json { "matchManagers": ["swift"], "extractVersion": "^v?(?.*)" } ```

This is an another PR on this repo. https://github.com/danger/swift/pull/467/checks?check_run_id=3713455793#step:9:31 As you know, [Dangerfile.swift in here](https://github.com/danger/swift/blob/master/Dangerfile.swift) doesn't call `/user`. However, the error has been occurring 🥺. I think this is a...

It seems to be a bug on Swift(arm64) compiler or linker. I tried to re-install with x86_64 architecture explicitly ( #521 ), and it works fine in M1 mac.

I'm sorry but https://github.com/danger/swift/issues/464#issuecomment-1139383319 was not correct and there seems to be something wrong in installing or executing *_tmp_dangerfile.swift*. I tried this. - Create simple Dangerfile.swift ```swift import Danger print("Hello,...

I tried to dump architecture in main.swift like ```swift do { let proc = Process() proc.launchPath = "/usr/bin/arch" let output = Pipe() proc.standardOutput = output proc.launch() proc.waitUntilExit() let arch =...

There would be 2 possible solutions. 1. Make danger-js to build on arm64 architecture 1. Install danger-swift on x86_64 architecture (like #521)

This is an issue on Danger-JS (https://github.com/danger/danger-js/issues/1282). It is needed to build danger-js binary on arm64 architecture, but we don't know how to build it.