I download mynav and try to use it in ida7.0 with macOS,find mynav.py doesn't work(doesn't generate the `edit|plugin|xxx` items),but mybrowser.py and myexport.py works well. I try to debug it,and find...
I don't know how to get the redirect urls with scrapy-splash,can you help me? eg. http://xxx.xxx.xxx/1.php will redirect to http://xxx.xxx.xxx/index.php,how can I get http://xxx.xxx.xxx/index.php with scrapy-splash? Below is my code...
As I know,logify.pl can be used like: ``` logify.pl 1.h > ~/xxx/Tweak.xm logify.pl 2.h >> ~/xxx/Tweak.xm ``` When I found there are around 50 or more functions in file `1.h`,but...
Does KisMac2 support macOS sierra? When will it support macOS sierra? Can you show me any wifi crack tool support macOS sierra since aircrack-ng's airodump-ng and aireplay-ng not supoort macOS?
my vimrc about incsearch and incsearch-fuzzy settings are in below,but it can not work like the gif when I try to fuzz search string like the gif does,can you help...
Can funcap be run in macOS? I try to use funcap in macOS,I tried to use ida to reverse an ios app,but something went wrong,below is the info: ``` /Applications/IDA...
The file `example/chooser.py` doesn't work in ida7.0,how can we use `Choose` in ida7.0?
5.3.0 dl() is now disabled in some SAPIs due to stability issues. The only SAPIs that allow dl() are CLI and Embed. Use the Extension Loading Directives instead.
I want to call a rpc function in frida js code,below is my rpc: ``` rpc.exports = { signrequesturlwithparameters: function (param_dict,secret,signMethod) { var result=ObjC.classes.GSNetworkUtils.signRequestUrlWithParameters_secret_signMethod_(param_dict,secret,signMethod); return String(ObjC.classes.NSString.stringWithString_(result)); } }; ``` and...