
Results 4 issues of 3rdxw

> Have you checked the admin panel if the plugin is there and enabled? Go to admin/plugins. Have you clicked "Initialize database for this module" (in case it appeared). I...

Does this work with product variant? plz show example if so + Can I use this script with Lambda

Hi all, Checking the log.txt shows thats: ``` ERROR: unexpected OS error with Asetek 690LC (assuming EVGA CLC): USBTimeoutError(10060, 'Operation timed out') at FanControl.Liquidctl.LiquidctlCLIWrapper.LiquidctlCall(String arguments) at FanControl.Liquidctl.LiquidctlCLIWrapper.ReadStatus() at FanControl.Liquidctl.LiquidctlPlugin.Load(IPluginSensorsContainer _container)...