> Dear, > > I can confirm that without being connected via USB, it does not connect to the wifi! > When I connect to a power bank or my...
> Please check this. > > [#6 (comment)](https://github.com/bigtreetech/BTT-SD-TF-Cloud-V1.0/issues/6#issuecomment-653908175) Thank you. I am looking at it now.
Did anyone manage to resolve this problem?
> Do you have the same problem? Yes, I can connect to the WiFi absolutely fine when it's connected via USB to my PC. When it's plugged into the TFT35...
> And you have a red and green led at the button lit up and is the blue Led flashing every 20-30sec? > > No whitespaces in the SSID name?...
> I asked something different. I don't understand what you mean.
> And you have a red and green led at the button lit up and is the blue Led flashing every 20-30sec? No, what I see is All LEDs flash...
> And you have a red and green led at the button lit up and is the blue Led flashing every 20-30sec? Ah, I think I now have more data:...
> If I connect the WiFi to the TFT when it's connected to the SKR, it doesn't work and behaves as I describe. > You mean you start everything and...