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Since #101 you can provide your own matching function (to match input and output message). Take a look on https://github.com/Tinkoff/gatling-kafka-plugin/blob/519e158e678a1fded45f1673d8f5903dc0a486f2/src/test/scala/ru/tinkoff/gatling/kafka/examples/MatchSimulation.scala#L32-L53 you just need to implement `matchByOwnVal` that will extract a...
@DevArosan that function should return the key from the message. You should implement it in a way that it returns the same key for your input and output message.
@DevArosan then, just return the matching property of your message by matchByOwnVal. The plugin will do the rest.
It's possible to set a header from a session parameter like this ```scala .exec(s => s.set("custom", new RecordHeaders().add("test-header", s("kekey").as[Array[Byte]]))) .exec( kafka("BasicRequest") .send[String, String]("foo", "foo", "#{custom}"), )```
Hi @partheebanMani, that's because you mixed up the types, just use **RecordHeaders** type instead of the **Session** for the **headers** variable.
We have added Java and Kotlin support in #125
It is possible, but not straight out of the box. All the credit goes to @daylikon ```scala import com.sksamuel.avro4s._ import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerConfig import ru.tinkoff.gatling.kafka.Predef._ import ru.tinkoff.gatling.kafka.protocol.KafkaProtocol import path.AvroClass // here goes...
Hi @simonstratmann, the issue could be resolved if you execute the test (or use the plugin) via sbt, without GatlingRunner.
Ага, можно еще немного менее костыльнее, например ```scala val key: K = kafkaAttributes.key match { //если атрибут сессии существует, то берем его, если не можем, то возвращаем null case Some(value)...