You can upgrade by simply restarting the two services systemctl restart zen-node secnodetracker or just reboot the vps On Sat, Sep 29, 2018, 6:40 AM seatrips wrote: > will you...
You can see the latest update is here https://cloud.docker.com/u/whenlambomoon/repository/registry-1.docker.io/whenlambomoon/zend/hub-builddetail/bv2hamuq37rbazfj8swywbm zen 2.0.15
@phobos777 I'm really busy lately, can you email me @gmail.com I'll see if I can fix this for you
@slayorktc you should have a file called config.json in that folder. Did that not get created?
@phobos777 regarding challenges you can use these steps to try restart the challenge process: ``` apt-get update && apt-get install jq ``` Now use this bash file to manually trigger...
@slayorktc could you post the content of config.json (redact your email, hostname and stakeaddr)
Did you use the new parameter at the end of the installer to define it as a secure node?
The error seems to be because it can't read the config of what ip format you are using. Did you try restart the service in case you didn't get the...
The local directory is generated by `node config` Could you try in the host server clear all the files in `/mnt/zen/secnode/` Then try run: ``` stakeaddr=x email=x fqdn=x region=na ```...
``` systemctl stop zen-secnodetracker docker run --rm -v /mnt/zen:/mnt/zen --name secnode -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash whenlambomoon/secnodetracker cd /home/node/secnodetracker ls config node setup node app ```