32th System
32th System
You could figure out things like the checksums of your games, what filenames your exes have and how big your exes are. You could tell me if you're using things...
Well, if you are using an English patch that modifies th12.dat and th12.exe directly, you shouldn't because that does break thprac
I want to do a lot more for the next thprac release, but I did implement a fix for this. In the meantime, you could download a beta version from...
One more thing about adding logs: doing that is also a great opportunity to revisit the entire codebase, which will be a great way to find and improve/rewrite bad code
This might be a leftover from when thprac didn't support stage warps, but would have some hard stage sections listed under Mid Boss
Check if it works with just vpatch. I'm having the same issue, but speeding up and slowing down the replay with just vpatch doesn't work for me either
(I just realized something: adjusting replay slow and replay fast FPS is ONLY implemented in TH13)
- What are frozen items? - Do these so called "frozen items" drop if I select the spell before? - Does it matter how well I do on the spell...
I played the game for two minutes with the backspace menu open the whole time and could not reproduce it