
Results 5 comments of 2ndwolf

TFeast's solution didn't work for me... so: As we know, inputting bytes in texImage2D's last parameter throws an error, but ints work. I also noticed that Uint8Array.from(object) (which allows for...

I'm getting WASM: Microsoft.JSInterop.JSException: Failed to execute 'texImage2D' on 'WebGLRenderingContext': parameter 9 is not of type 'ArrayBufferView'. Now from using your branch, even though I'm using byte[] in parameter 9....

Omnisharp isn't honoring my excludeSearchPatterns option. I have tried restarting it multiple times, trying multiple patterns ignoring libs. Such as: ``` **/libs/**/* ./libs/**/* /libs/**/* ``` Am I just confused? ```...

I've left aside that project a while ago so I'll answer the best I can. Well they're not in my root workspace, but divided in a libs folder. Unless you...

This module makes me feel hostile and comes from dependency HELL, especially considering it has been unmaintained for 6 YEARS and is still extremely highly used. I get it does...