yiiwheels copied to clipboard
Widget extension library for the YiiStrap extension
Yiiwheels version 2 requires yiistrap dev-bs3, instead it should depend on a stable version of yiistrap.
Hi, I try to set the field but when I submit the form the attribute and value are not shown in POST array. I tested the following lines: and also...
The version of Wysihtml5 that yiiwheels uses is no longer maintained. Instead yiiwheels could / should use this fork, xing refers to this on the page of the old wysihtml...
WhDateTimePicker does not include moment.min.js, Added this fragment from WhDateRangePicker to fix it: ``` /* register required moment.js */ $this->getYiiWheels()->registerAssetJs('moment.min.js'); ```
Wanted to re-use your code for some input elements. But met error. ``` bash composer.phar require 2amigos/yiiwheels Using version ~2.0 for 2amigos/yiiwheels ./composer.json has been updated Loading composer repositories with...
I searched a lot on how to use WhFineUploader with a model. I always get an empty attribute when uploading a file. Is there any example in the controller and...
Hi, I added on my fork a minor changes to permit customize of the font-weight on toggle button directly from WhToggleButton class. In the next future could be a valid...
Would it be possible to add a new widget to incorpaorate the Bootstrap Application Wizard (https://github.com/amoffat/bootstrap-application-wizard) Thanks
When I use this widget, I need upload files/images to server... ``` ``` How can I do this by native way? In some extensions there is something like this: Example...
Would it be possible to add a new widget to incorpaorate the Bootstrap Dual Listbox (http://www.virtuosoft.eu/code/bootstrap-duallistbox/) Thanks