The instantaneous power (watts) returns a positive or negative value, which I am using to put a sign on the value retrieved by cf_cnt. Similar to the current as you...
You're not wrong, but unfortunatelly the only way to get super accurate results is to measure at each half cycle, which is not really practical. Altough as I mentioned I...
I think I recall its averaged over 800mS on the code. 
I've been working on this for a few weeks now. See the thread: https://www.elektroda.com/rtvforum/topic4045136.html
Hi @brunohoff , You may want to try my fork. https://github.com/2Fblob/OpenBK7231T_App. The code is in a functional state. I'm debugging some WiFi hangs - The device will freeze ocasionally and...
Hi, Thanks. What features do you need? Netmetering? Or just two counters for Export / Import? We can remove anything not used. The dual count functionality has been merged into...
Thanks for sharing those with me. Do you have a web page where these implementations are described in more detail? Regards On Sunday 16 June 2024 at 17:53:43 BST, Pavel...