private void initManager() { final Handler handler = new Handler(); mInfo = new ConnectionInfo(mIPET.getText().toString(), Integer.parseInt(mPortET.getText().toString())); mOkOptions = new OkSocketOptions.Builder() .setReconnectionManager(new NoneReconnect()) .setConnectTimeoutSecond(10) .setCallbackThreadModeToken(new OkSocketOptions.ThreadModeToken() { @Override public void handleCallbackEvent(ActionDispatcher.ActionRunnable runnable)...
I get the ID of the extension and replace it on line 5 of test.js,I can see the extension's actionbutton and click it to use,but i can't invoke extension in...
我查了相关文档https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/media/mediarecorder 注意:在搭载 Android 9(API 级别 28)或更高版本的设备上,在后台运行的应用将无法访问麦克风。因此,您的应用只在以下两种情况下才应录制音频:当其位于前台时,或者您在前台服务中添加了 MediaRecorder 实例时。 应该是录制使用了service的缘故,请问后续会优化适配Android10吗?
> I had the same problem on the Android Q,but I found that it was because of the storage path is null;You can set the path of the folder with...