Dax T. Games
Dax T. Games
Cmder automatically searches for and uses the most current Git install that exists in the path. If you: - Install Git for Windows - It is newer than Cmder Full...
Looking at what it would take to add timestamps to the log.can't guarantee anything. My Bengals are playing and I am watching that. GO BENGALS - WOD-DEY!
@Hlsgs Slowness is USUALLY something on the host that is inspecting every API call, usually some Antivirus or Data Loss Prevention security tool. We see this mostly on corporate managed...
Has anyone tried using `/f` on the Conemu task?
This might be a Kubernetes or a Helm issue. We have now seen this on the 4.2.21 Jenkins helm chart. SOMETIMES the Jenkins statefulset has the SECRETS env variable, sometimes...
I endend up writing a test that I run after I deploy jenkins that looks like: ``` kubectl get statefulsets.apps jenkins -o json |jq -r '.spec.template.spec.containers[] | select(.name | contains("jenkins")).env[]...
Is there a way to change the behavior if timestamper is not being used? I still get extra lines even if it is not used.