Results 4 issues of 287662354

i dont know y there is Memory leak,at start i limited decode times, but always ` connect(main_videoSink, &QVideoSink::videoFrameChanged, [this](const QVideoFrame &frame){ if(QR_image_flag) { QR_image = frame.toImage(); QZXing decoder ; //必要设置...


### Answers checklist. - [X] I have read the component documentation [ESP-IDF Components](https://components.espressif.com) and the issue is not addressed there. - [X] I am using target and esp-idf version as...

Component: bdc_motor

源码里面提供了三个有关于OTA升级的接口但是没有描述如何使用 ,文档和源码也是基于rainmaker,请问有办法修改为自建服务器吗,或者有详细的API文档