It works with the `branch` component for me. Can you include some steps to reproduce your issue? This is what has worked for me: 1. ``git clone --bare https://github.com/nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim &&...
Something like this? I have maintained the same icon as the branch because I'm unable to find a specific symbol for worktrees.
```lua require('neodev').setup({ override = function(_, library) library.enabled = true library.plugins = true end, pathStrict = true, -- lspconfig = true }) ``` this configuration works fine for me. I've found...
This is the test result: ``` Scheduling: johb_test.lua ======================================== Testing: /Users/lorenzo/.config/nvim/scratch/johb/johb_test.lua Success || plenary.job testing (pre) Should open two buffer Success || plenary.job testing (pre) Buffer 1 should be 'johb.lua'...