I reproduce the MaskGAN in tensorflow,and train it, but the result is a little bit weired, espically the hair region and face details like iris color, freckle, ..., etc. Have...
the pretrained VGG-16 should accept the input image in range [0, 255] minus the mean value of RGB channels [123.6800, 116.7790, 103.9390]. if give the input image in range [-1,1],...
Hi, when I run “python test.py --name= --epoch=20 --img_folder=./datasets/examples”, I meet a trouble. the problem is list below: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/root/anaconda3/envs/deep3d_pytorch/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/utils/cpp_extension.py", line 1515, in _run_ninja_build env=env)...
Hello: FOMM show great results in the anaimation of human face, but i found some bad results especially when people wearing eyeglasses. The frame of eyeglasses may get several distorted...
Hi: Your work of gaze correction in img seems not suitable for video application due to inconsistency and flicker between frames. Do u have any idea about video gaze correction?
Hello: Your work show great results in the anaimation of human face, but i found some bad results especially when people wearing eyeglasses. The frame of eyeglasses may get several...
In audio-video-textures/baselines/classic_video_textures/interpolate.py, line 12, "from models import UNet, backWarp", the program crashed and return "ImportError: cannot import name 'UNet' from 'models'". so may u tell me where is the "models"...
Thank you for your interest! The flickering issue may be attributed to the diffusion model, and we are actively working to address this in the future. _Originally posted by @Zejun-Yang...
Hi, it's a great job in face animation, but i found there is some artifacts in the contour of head, it seems to lack of harmonization operation in the edge...