Leo Li

Results 12 issues of Leo Li

### Your current KubeKey version latest ### Describe this feature At present, cluster-api-kubekey-provider(CAPK) only supports to install `containerd`. We need to support installing `docker`. ### Describe the solution you'd like...

help wanted
good first issue

### What type of PR is this? /kind feature ### What this PR does / why we need it: Follow the cluster-api guide, and use the kk way to implement...


### What is version of KubeKey has the issue? v1.2.0-alpha.6 ### What is your os environment? Ubuntu ### KubeKey config file _No response_ ### A clear and concise description of...


**What steps did you take and what happened:** The arch metadata in the `k8s.gcr.io/cluster-api/xxx` are incorrect. For example: ``` $ docker pull --platform linux/arm64/v8 k8s.gcr.io/cluster-api/cluster-api-controller:v1.2.0 $ docker inspect k8s.gcr.io/cluster-api/cluster-api-controller:v1.2.0 |...


### What is version of KubeSphere DevOps has the issue? v3.3.0-rc.2 ### How did you install the Kubernetes? Or what is the Kubernetes distribution? _No response_ ### What happened? First,...


### Backgroud 1. Currently, the KubeKey operator mode has some defects, such as not enough abstraction that only defines the `cluster` object, and using `job` to run a command line...

### What type of PR is this? /kind bug ### What this PR does / why we need it: Add iso file sha256 checksum to CAPKK internal checksum. ### Which...


add ks-core chart For more information, please see: https://github.com/kubesphere/kubesphere/pull/5305


# KubeKey 贡献指南 [English Version Here](https://github.com/weopenprojects/WeOpen-Star/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&template=contribution-guideline---issue-template.md&title=%5BWeOpen-Star-Issue%5D) 欢迎来到开源摘星计划 KubeKey 贡献专栏 。KubeKey 已加入开源摘星计划,该计划提供奖励以鼓励你加入我们的社区:所有参与本项目贡献的开发者都可获得相应贡献积分、奖励以及被评选为年度摘星100 人的机会,活动及奖励详情请见:[开源摘星计划](https://github.com/weopenprojects/WeOpen-Star)。 📅活动时间:2022年5月-12月 ## 🌟关于 KubeKey > KubeKey 是 KubeSphere 社区开源的一款高效集群部署工具,运行时默认使用 Docker , 也可对接 Containerd、CRI-O、iSula 等 CRI 运行时,且 ETCD 集群独立运行,支持与...

help wanted

## Bug Report **What did you do?** Two packagemanifest objects with the same name are created in the same namespace. **What did you expect to see?** Usually, we use `client-go`...
