Results 3 issues of 215020267

**Environment:** Windows Server 2016 + VS2019 + EASTL master branch latest https://github.com/electronicarts/EASTL/commit/d9965101482ad13a900c50dab0cac268cd90346b source code. EASTL failed to build due to error C3861: '_InterlockedExchange64_INLINE': identifier not found with MSVC on windows....

**Description:** In /std:c++17 mode, this triggers a deprecation warning in recent versions of MSVC. In /std:c++latest mode, now that microsoft/STL#380 has been merged, this will trigger an error in VS...

**Environment:** VS 2019 + Windows Server 2016 **Issue description:** One test fails to compile after boostorg/msm submodule graph updated from 65a65c7 to 3cabf1a boost/graph @ 554da29. Could you please take...